Ajoblanco with clams: a typical cold soup in a different way


200 g raw almonds

2 garlic cloves (without the green part)

60 g extra virgin olive oil

40 g sherry vinegar

600 ml bottled water

350 g clams

red grapes

salt [/one_third][two_third_last]Preparation

Peel the garlic cloves and scald them in boiling water for about a minut. Put them in the blender, along with the almonds, and pour in the oil and vinegar. Season with salt and blend until you have a smooth mixture, with the right consistency (it should be soupy, but not too liquid. If you like it more liquid, add some more oil, vinegar and water; and if you like it thicker, mix in a dried bread slice). Pass it through a fine sieve, to have it smoother. Freeze or put it in the fridge, to serve it cold.

Cut the grapes in quarters and take the seeds out. Clean the clams and steam them in a pot with the lid on, until they open (or about 2 minutes). Take the shells out and serve on a soup dish, garnishing with the grapes. Serve the cold ajoblanco (soup) on a pitcher, and pour the soup in the dish, in front of the guest. A nice, soft way to serve ajoblanco!!![/two_third_last]

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